Ladonia citizens

by | Oct 18, 2005 | General information | 0 comments

Citizens in Ladonia

Ladonia has now more than 11.800 registered citizens. About half of them come from Sweden; the numbers of all other countries are shown here.

1. USA 747
2. Hungary 741
3. England 453
4. Spain 398
5. Portugal 315
6. Mexico 314
7. Pakistan 275
8. Germany 252
9. Denmark 252
10. Russia 247
11. Norway 246
12. France 208
13. Brazil 197
14. Canada 168
15. India 156
16. Belgium 149
17. Italy 145
18. Poland 133
19. S Korea 132
20. Turkey 123
21 Holland 109
22. Argentina 108
23. Bulgaria 92
24. Rumania 87
25. Israel 86
26. Nigeria 83
27. Peru 75
28. China 72
29. Australia 67
30. Greece 62
31. Colombia 58
32. Yugoslavia 50
33. Croatia 46
34. Finland 45
35. South Africa 41
36. Ukraine 39
37. Austria 34
38. Iran 32
39. Switzerland 31
40. Ireland 28
41. Latvija 27
42. Japan 25
43. Slovakia 22
44. Bangladesh 21
45. Vietnam 21
46. Algeria 19
47. Scotland 18
48. Wales 17
49. New Zealand 17
50. Belorussia 17
51. Hong Kong 15
52. Venezuela 15
53. Thailand 14
54. Estonia 12
55. Indonesia 11
56. Slovenia 11
57. Bosnia 10
58. Macedonia 10
59. Cyprus 9
60. Libya 8
61. Togo 8
62 Malaysia 8
63. Chile 8
64. Uruguay 7
65. Cuba 7
66. Morocco 7
67. Catalonia 6
68. Egypt 6
69. Dominican Rep. 6
70. Libanon 6
71. Philippines 5
72. Sri Lanka 5
73. Georgia 5
74. Lithuania 4
75. Panama 4
76. Ghana 4
77. Nepal 4
78. Iceland 4
79. Kurdistan 3
80. Czech Rep. 3
81. Bolivia 3
82. Uzbekistan 3
83. Armenia 3
84. Palestine 2
85. Malta 2
86. Jordan 2
87. Benin 2
88. Luxembourg 2
89. Singapore 2
90. Azerbaijan 2
91. Etiopia 2
92. Liberia 2
93. Uganda 2
94. Lithuania 1
95. Paraguay 1
96. Kirgizistan 1
97. Sudan 1
98. Un. Arab Emirates 1
99. Guatemala 1
100. Moçambique 1
101. Madagascar 1
102. Ecuador 1
103. Kuwait 1
104. Burkina Faso 1
105. Honduras 1
106. Oman 1
107. Albania1
108. Tanzania 1
109. Andorra 1
110. Mali 1
111. Sierra Leone 1
112. Bretagne 1
113. Nicaragua 1

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