Cabinet Ministers and Ministries
Ladonia’s ministries are as diverse and creative as its citizens. Unlike traditional governments, our ministries are citizen-driven initiatives that reflect Ladonia’s commitment to art, free expression, and intellectual exploration. Ministers are appointed to oversee unique areas of Ladonian culture, ensuring that creativity, humor, and innovation remain at the heart of our community. While many ministries operate symbolically, some lead real projects that contribute to Ladonia’s development as an artistic and cultural nation.
The Queen’s Council
Leadership | Name | Based In |
Prime Minister | Theresa Villeneuve | USA |
Secretary of Art and Culture | Fredrik Larsson | Sweden |
Secretary of Digital Defence | Luna Hopalot | Sweden |
Secretary of Finance | Mari Rohrer | USA |
Secretary of Foreign Affairs | Yvan Bertjens | Belgium |
Secretary of Home Affairs | Erik White | USA |
The Cabinet of Ministers
Ministry | Minister | Based In |
Eternal Minister of All Winds | Birgitta Rudenius | Sweden |
Eternal Minister of Chilies and Dubious Anthems | Walter Ehresman | USA |
Eternal Minister of Tennis and Figure Skating | Countess Madeleine | USA |
Minister for DADA | Christoph Hütt | Germany |
Minister for Feasting, Boozing and All Other Forms of Culinary Enjoyment | Carsten Henn | Germany |
Minister of Accessibility | Álvaro José | Brazil |
Minister of Accommodations and Tourism | Thomas Diestel | Sweden |
Minister of Agriculture | Edward Nordén | Sweden |
Minister of Alchemy and Folly | Jo Cook | Canada |
Minister of Alien Citizens | Alexander Kozirev | Latvia |
Minister of All Things Brewed | Annica Silvonen | Sweden |
Minister of All Things that Virtually Doesn’t Exist | Nada Pavlak | Australia |
Minister of Amateurish Watercolors and Geographical Information Systems | Curtis Moss | USA |
Minister of Animal and Mineral Rights and Lefts and Vegan Diet Including Whole Trees | Stina Jarenskog | Sweden |
Minister of Animals, Especially Cows | Andrea L. Bassini | Italy |
Minister of Animal Husbandry and Dairy | Dr Siddharth Vaishnav | New Zealand |
Minister of Anime and Hetalian Affairs | Cornelius Marpaung | Indonesia |
Minister of Assurance | Placito Miceli | USA |
Minister of Astronomy | Pierre Paquette | Canada |
Minister of Avatar Affairs | Jeremy Owen Turner | Canada |
Minister of Beer | Pavel Golubkov | Belorussia |
Minister of Black and White Photography | Guiseppe Tarnero | |
Minister of Bows, Archery and Croquet | Endre Toth | Hungary |
Minister of Brain | Tiit Mathiesen | Sweden |
Minister of Brazilian Romantic Literature and Washing Lines | Eduardo Zenaide | Brazil |
Minister of Broken Hearts | Massimo Salomoni | Italy |
Minister of Cheese | Simonus Beasleyus | England |
Minister of Chess with Cheese | Xavier Gerard | Belgium |
Minister of Coincidence and Destiny | Miloslav Surgos | Slovakia |
Minister of Colonies | Andrey Shipilov | Russia |
Minister of Common Sense | Knud-Erik Fredfeldt | Denmark |
Minister of Complaint and Non-Human Rights | Luis Tolentino | El Salvador |
Minister of Cookies with Chocolate Sparks | Ximena Mariela Florida Soria | Bolivia |
Minister of Curators, Semaphores and Swiss Army Methods | Martin Schibli | Sweden |
Minister of Customisations and Gary | Carolyn Shelby | USA |
Minister of Danceband | Lennart Johansson | Sweden |
Minister of Danger and Unexplained Phenomenon | Matthew Allen Butler | USA |
Minister of Deeper Mysteries, Rainbow Magic and the Black Box | Alexei Bushuev | Russia |
Minister of Dogs | Henrik Ronnquist | Sweden |
Minister of Doing Silly Things | Nina Martins Hlavaty | Norway |
Minister of Dreaming Affairs | Jona Pelovska | Canada/Bulgaria |
Minister of Dubious Anthems | Walter Ehresman | USA |
Minister of Duct Tape and High Voltage | Hunter Tammaro | USA |
Minister of East Asian Affairs | Jaidie Choi | South Korea |
Minister of Ecology of Highways | Mikael Hansen | Denmark |
Minister of Electronic Technology & Madagascar | Brian Schulman | USA |
Minister of Endlessnissism | Cecilia Parsberg | Australia |
Minister of Entertainment and Divination Arts | Antonio Maria De Grandis | Italy |
Minister of Evolution and Slow Change | Peter Lundgren | Sweden |
Minister of Existentialism | Len Rodman | USA |
Minister of Extraordinary Affairs | Vera Porad Falk | Sweden |
Minister of Extraterrestrial Oceans | Brad Grisson | USA |
Minister of Falling Water Above Ladonia Before Touching The Ground | Matthias Miro | Austria |
Minister of Fanaticism | Chaan | |
Minister of Festivities | Marten Visser | Netherlands |
Minister of Finnish and Finish | Elin Hoffstrom | Finland |
Minister of Fireworks | Elis Hom | Sweden |
Minister of Folktales and Bestiaries | Alexej Sczimanowski | Russia |
Minister of Francophonie | Albarello Sergio | France |
Minister of Freedom of Religion, Irreligion and Grappling | Matthew D. Salzer | USA |
Minister of Future Hope | Rui de Sousa | Portugal |
Minister of Gravity | James Castleden | South Africa |
Minister of Headphones and Bad Jokes | Elio Campitelli | Argentina |
Minister of Health | Emanuel Bock (Toomas Mathiesen) | Sweden |
Minister of Herpetology | Count Riccard | Sweden |
Minister of Hexotropic Liquids | Lars Krabbe | Denmark |
Minister of History | Count Torby | Sweden |
Minister of Holidays | Peter Heim | Switzerland |
Minister of Hotwired Live Art | Baron Pepe Platou | Norway |
Minister of Hunting and Game Preservation | Lars Vipsjö | Sweden |
Minister of Idleness | Lord SigWhig | Sweden |
Minister of Impossible Travels | Gurvan LeClec’H | France/USA |
Minister of Improvisational Theater and Free Entry | Frans Brood | Germany |
Minister of Indian Interests and Java | Satish Shama | India |
Minister of Intelligence | Dr. Andras Palotas | Hungary |
Minister of Irrational Politics | Igor Raikhman, JR | Russia |
Minister of Justice | Krister Thelin | Sweden |
Minister of Karaoke & Comedy | Jörgen Stenberg | Lapland/Malta |
Minister of Kazakhstan Affairs | Alexander Ten | Kazakhstan |
Minister of Landscape Architecture | Maggie Leighly | USA |
Minister of Language | Matt Clifton | England |
Minister of Little and Medium Enterprises (LAME) | Nacho Chiappe | Argentina |
Minister of Long Term Consequences | Jakob Rubin | Denmark |
Minister of Lost Time | Pascale Camus-Walter | France |
Minister of Love and Sustainability | Kenneth Kallin | |
Minister of Madness and Euphoric Travel | Wenche Countess Blomberg | Norway |
Minister of Mail | Svenborg Mellstrom | Sweden |
Minister of Mental Computer Art | Dmitri Dezortsev | Ukraine |
Minister of Metallurgy | Paulo de Queiroz | Brazil |
Minister of Mini-sta ob Ed-yoo-kay-shun & Uneducation | Georgios Foutsitzis | Greece |
Minister of Misinformation | Pedro Martinez Chico | Spain/USA |
Minister of Morality of Urban Music | Will Bannon | England |
Minister of Moustaches | Jackson Eldridge | USA |
Minister of Mysterious Parts and Undetermined and Undisclosed Contents | Joshua Kaye | England |
Minister of Mythological Beasts | Lisa Johnson | USA |
Minister of Native American Tribes in Arizona | Lester Jochum | USA |
Minister of Navel Affairs and Mummification | Brigitta Janositz | Hungary |
Minister of Nothing and Balloons | Ville Niemioja | Russia |
Minister of Offence | Cihan Ergül | Turkey |
Minister of Offense | Jörgen Frithiof | Sweden |
Minister of Olympic Games | Oleg Fedulov | |
Minister of Oranges | Pedro Solano | Portugal |
Minister of Pan-Asian Cuisine and Irrigation | Zack Albun | USA |
Minister of Parallel Universe Tribal Service | Greve Norbert Johnson | USA |
Minister of Peace and Joy | Matthew Johnson | USA |
Minister of Pictures | Leif Eriksson | Sweden |
Minister of Pipe Smoking | Måns Nihlén | Sweden |
Minister of Poetry and Chivalry | Count Gero Miceli | |
Minister of Poke Sallet and Fulsome Absurdity | Betsy Thaggard | USA |
Minister of Poker | Theresa Villaneuve | USA |
Minister of Popular Music and all other Commercial Occult Conspiracies | Menno Reyntjes | Germany |
Minister of Porn and Top-Shelf Hobbies | Daniel Clegg | |
Minister of Portuguese Representation and Food Gathering | Rodrigo de Albuquerque | Portugal |
Minister of Postal Services | Lee Bacall | USA |
Minister of Postcards | João Kikuchi | Brazil |
Minister of Postmodernism & Astrology | Denis S. Gawrikow | Russia |
Minister of Powdered Donuts and Bricks | E.J. Sachse | USA |
Minister of Procrastination | Chris Mansell | Australia |
Minister of Psychology | Edna Montes | Mexico |
Minister of Raccoons and 42 | Peter C. Frandsen | Denmark |
Minister of Real Spaghetti and Italian Food | Salvatore Bruno (Ada Brun) | Italy |
Minister of Rock-Paper-Scissors Games | Carolina Cecilia Rovner | Argentina |
Minister of Security Publishes and Civil Protection | Jorge Calderon | Spain |
Minister of Shouts and Whispers | Kristof Vannotten | Belgium |
Minister of Silence | Fredrik Norrgen | Sweden |
Minister of Social Affairs and Ecology | Kjell Mårtensson | Sweden |
Minister of Stones | Joe Strahl | Sweden |
Minister of Subaquatic Territories | Lord Peter Kimay | Sweden |
Minister of Surrealism | Fernando Gelbard | Argentina/USA |
Minister of Sweet Dreams | Rolf Johansson | Sweden |
Minister of Teddy Animal Reservoirs | Taru Salmenkari | Finland |
Minister of Telecommunications and Telepathy | Timur Voronkov | Siberia |
Minister of the Dark Side | Carlos Andreas | Spain |
Minister of the Netherworld and Etherexistance | Kat Blackthorne | Canada |
Minister of the Rights of Fishes | Helder Conceicao | France |
Minister of the Rights of Ladonians | Maria Elena G. De Nakad | Mexico |
Minister of the River Ladon in Arcadia | Vassilis Roumeliotis | Greece |
Minister of Thermonuclear Eye Protection | Michael Elfström | |
Minister of Things Under Rocks | Jon Oner | USA |
Minister of Time and Llamas | Terry Hayden | England |
Minister of Time, Warder of Practical Humor | Lord Fredrik Fischer | Sweden |
Minister of Tourism, Good Weather and Optimism | Rusif Huseynov | Azerbaijan |
Minister of Transport | Phil Stead | England |
Minister of Trees | Jenny Wenhammar | Sweden |
Minister of Turtle Safety | Christina Gallina | USA |
Minister of Unanswered Questions and Parapsychology | Eilat Jelin | Argentina |
Minister of Under Standardization | Hendrik Lönngren | Germany |
Minister of Underwater Relations Though Not Those Covered By The Ministry of Subaquatic Territories | Pablo Linares | Argentina |
Minister of Undisclosable Purpose | Manny Neira | |
Minister of Unfulfilled Potential | Robert Tyrrell | England |
Minister of Unnumbered Things | Adrian Suarez | Argentina |
Minister of Vampire Affairs | James Morris | England |
Minister of Western Pacific and Mars | Jack Angello | Northern Mariana Islands |
Minister of Written Hope | Robin Raygor | USA |
Minister of X-Treme | Max Socol | USA |
Minister of Yellow Snow | Per Cod | Norway |
Minister of Zen | Tim Neale | England |

WOW! This list is LONG!
As you may have noticed, Ladonia has a great many ministries and ministers, and many of them have “eccentric” names and missions. The reason for this is because we invite all of our citizens to participate in government in any way they choose. Some people choose to participate in “normal” or “traditional” ways, and some people choose to participate in less than traditional ways. Still others choose to not participate at all, and that is their right.
But doesn’t it get expensive to fund all of these ministries?
Good question. Actually, it does not get expensive to fund the ministries because very very few of the ministries ever ask for funding. If funding is requested, the minister/ministry must either crowd source the funding, or the entire Cabinet must agree to provide funds on a per project basis based on the total benefit to the people or the land. No government waste here!