Bevara Nimis
(Preserve Nimis)
Visitors Per Year
Tons of Driftwood
Years Standing
The Problem
Nimis is a vast structure, but it is made of wood and situated on a beach, exposed to the elements and weather 365 days a year, so we must perform inspections and repairs on the structure on a regular basis.
Historically, the maintenance was performed by the State Secretary, but since his death, the task has fallen to the Minister of Art and Jump and other volunteers to carry on the maintenance.
The Solution
The Minister of Art, Fredrik Larsson, is heading a committee of volunteers to regularly visit Nimis to inspect and perform repairs/maintenance as needed. There have been no reports of damage or instability, and all continues to be in good order.
To continue our mission to preserve Nimis as a monument to Art, Free Speech and Free Expression, we (the Ladonians) are forming two nonprofit foundations, one in the United States and one in Sweden, both dedicated to supporting the preservation of Nimis and Arx.