Nimis Guides

Nimis Guides

Nimis Guides

Volunteer to guide hikers to Ladonia!

Introducing the “Guide” Button Program

We are excited to announce the launch of the “Guide” button program to assist hikers in Ladonia. These buttons are designed to help visitors find their way to Nimis by easily identifying knowledgeable guides.

What Are “Guide” Buttons?

The buttons feature the word “GUIDE” with the Ladonian flag and the national coat of arms. Volunteers and experienced hikers will wear these buttons on their backpacks or hats so they can be identified easily (and from a distance).

Spotting a Guide

When hiking, look for individuals wearing these distinctive buttons. They know where they’re going and can give you directions into and out of Ladonia. They can probably also provide information about Nimis and Ladonia.

How to Get Involved

If you are familiar with the trails and would like to assist, please contact us to receive your own “Guide” button. Your participation helps ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all visitors.

Close-up of a Nimis "GUIDE" button worn by experienced hikers

Become a GUIDE

Do you hike to Ladonia and Nimis often? Do you feel like you know where you’re going and you enjoy being helpful? Apply to be an official GUIDE today! There’s no pay, but you get a gloriously green, official button and our eternal gratitude!

MicroCon 2023 Chicago & Ypres

MicroCon 2023 Chicago & Ypres

MicroCon 2023

Ladonia is the host nation for the biennial conference of micronations this year in both Chicago and Ypres


Micronations (so far)




What is MicroCon?

MicroCon is a conference for micronational leaders, citizens, and interested parties that has been convening every other year (biennially) since 2015. Ladonia has sent a delegation to 3 of the first 4 events, missing only 2017. 2023 will be the fifth edition of the event, and Ladonia has won the honor of hosting both the USA gathering in Chicago, Illinois and the European event in Ypres, Belgium (the European conference is co-hosted by Ladonia and Flandrensis).

2023 MicroCon in both the USA & EU

For the first time, there will be two MicroCon events in the summer of ’23. The first will be the MicroCon USA event in the Chicago, Illinois suburb of Joliet June 30-July 2. The second event will be MicroCon EU in Ypres, Belgium on August 12. Tickets are now on sale for both events. Registrations will close on May 15 (for both events), and for the USA event, the special hotel rates that have been negotiated with the conference venue will close on May 9th. Hotel prices after the special group rate expires are expected to be quite high as there is a NASCAR race in Chicago that same weekend.

MicroCon Chicago

MicroCon Chicago (okay, technically Joliet) is scheduled for June 30-July 2, with July 1st being the BIG full day of conference talks, presentations, and the popular white-tie MicroCon Gala. Tickets are on sale now…

MicroCon Ypres

MicroCon Ypres will be the first MicroCon held outside of the US. Scheduled for August 12 (a little more than a month after the Chicago MicroCon in case you want to attend both!), Ypres promises to be picturesque and full of history.

Philately and Numismatics

Philately and Numismatics

Philately and Numismatics

(Stamps and Money)


The Government of Ladonia plans to issue postage stamps at least once a year, and make those stamps available for purchase by stamp collectors and micronational enthusiasts. A contest was held earlier this year for new stamp designs. The winner will be announced shortly, and the stamps will be available for purchase shortly after that.

Coins and Banknotes

A working committee has been commissioned by Her Majesty to design and issue new currency. Designs for the new örtug coins and banknotes have not yet been finalized. Both coins and banknotes will be made available to collectors and microtional enthusiasts.

Return to Current Ministry Projects

Nimis Maintenance

Nimis Maintenance

Bevara Nimis

(Preserve Nimis)

Visitors Per Year

Tons of Driftwood

Years Standing



The Problem

Nimis is a vast structure, but it is made of wood and situated on a beach, exposed to the elements and weather 365 days a year, so we must perform inspections and repairs on the structure on a regular basis.

Historically, the maintenance was performed by the State Secretary, but since his death, the task has fallen to the Minister of Art and Jump and other volunteers to carry on the maintenance.

The Solution

The Minister of Art, Fredrik Larsson, is heading a committee of volunteers to regularly visit Nimis to inspect and perform repairs/maintenance as needed. There have been no reports of damage or instability, and all continues to be in good order.

To continue our mission to preserve Nimis as a monument to Art, Free Speech and Free Expression, we (the Ladonians) are forming two nonprofit foundations, one in the United States and one in Sweden, both dedicated to supporting the preservation of Nimis and Arx.

Report an Issue

To report weather damage or anything you believe requires attention, please use this form to file a report. You can also tweet @Ladonia_Info or use the hashtag #Ladonia or #Ladonien