Ladonia is a micronation and an aspirant state
We are built on freedom of expression, and we value art and creativity as necessary components of society.
Construction of Nimis began in 1980 and independence was declared in 1996. What began as a art project is now, 25 years later, a nation of more than 26,000 non-resident citizens who share a desire for a free society where art and expression are valued and encouraged.
The fight for freedom of expression and art has lost a great asset, and to honor his memory we must continue to protect Nimis and be a voice for free speech, free expression, and free art.
As we make plans and continue the work, details and news will be shared here and via The Herald. Stay tuned, or better yet, join us. The fight is not over.

About 40,000 people visit Ladonia each year*
Ladonia is situated on one square kilometer of land on the Kullaberg Peninsula in Southern Sweden.
The path into Ladonia is about 2.5km through the woods along a winding path to the sea (you can’t get here by car!) It is quite a trek, but the reward is an opportunity to explore Nimis, a 75 ton sculpture/labyrinth made of driftwood.
* According to the Höganas Visitors Bureau