Ladonia Calendar

by | Nov 18, 2005 | General information | 1 comment


  • 3: Birth of Arx (1991 – the book of stone as the beginning and end of the book)
  • 23: The Day of the Sacred Insult (Ministry of Offense)
  • 28: Burning Day (the first great fire in Nimis 1985) and 1st Day of the greatest depth of the winter)
  • 29: 2nd Day of the greatest depth of the winter
  • 30: 3rd Day of the greatest depth of the winter
  • 31: The Day of the greatest depth of the winter


  • 1: the 5th Day of the greatest depth of the winter
  • 2: the 6th Day of the greatest depth of the winter
  • 3: National Day of the Great Fire (the second great fire in Nimis 1996) and 7th Day of the greatest depth of the winter
  • 8: High Voltage Day
  • 13: Day of Throwing Away Keys – the day when a general and fruitful disorder is to rule Ladonians. This day Dresden was bombed during the war. State Office of Nomads)
  • 19: Day of the County Administrative Board (1982 they started the struggle – the day to have a full understanding of all the good that can be brought from the force of an angry authority)
  • 29: Day of Procrastination (Chris Mansell)


  • 6: Birthday of Ministry of ALL WINDS. The Day of ALL WINDS all day always.
  • 21: Day of Captain Hillman (Day of Fictious Characters) (Custodian Office)
  • 30: We Love PerV Day (Always a Tuesday)


  • 11: The Stormy Day. The Day when the Winds worked hard to release minds. The Tower of Winds was suffering and badly hit by the ground. The Day of Brainstorm and Free Minds. (Ministry of All Winds)
  • 19: Day of the Indian
  • 19: Partnership for Pilsner
  • 19: The angel of spring, Spugliguel, meets the angel of the weekday.
  • 25: Buying Day (the day when Jospeh Beuys (1984) and Christo (1986) bought Nimis. (This is the day when big purchases should be made – or to meditate the idea of buying)


  • 12: The Walter Day of Anthems (celebration of our minister and composer Walter Ehresman and all our anthems)
  • 22: Waaaal-Day (on this day we worship the eonatic spirit of existential possibilities)
  • 27: Day of History and Museum (The day when Count Torby opened the Ladonian Museum of History) (We ask questions on the nature of history)
  • 31: Day of the Lords (this day we humbly contemplate the lordship)


  • On the day of the first full moon is the Day of the Brain Ministry
  • 2: Independence Day (Ladonia became independent 1996, National Holiday)
  • 3: Birthday of Queen Carolyn I (National Holiday)
  • 21: Day of Full Madness and Insomnia


  • Last Sunday in July: Jazz and Music Day in Ladonia
  • 3: International Day of Buying Toilet Paper as Art
  • 4: Naked Day. Ladonians go naked, symbolic meaning of being the being. (State Office of Nomads)
  • 18: The Day of Artful Jumps
  • 31: Birth of Nimis (1980)


  • 8: Day of Coup d’Etat. The great day of change created by Sven-Erik Olsson
  • 10: The Day of King Göran the Miserly. (on this day eating and drinking excessively is the thing. But also the understanding of the excessive)
  • 10: San Lorenzo’s Day, beginning of late summer in Ladonia.
  • 12: Ladonia Duct Tape Day
  • 28: The Darkest Day (Ministry of the Dark Side)
  • 31: The Day of Respect (Ministry of All Winds pay respect to the free eonatic mind)


  • 1: Day of Disrespect. We will go astray if we forget balance. Both Ying and Yang are needed for higher harmony. (Ministry of Sophistry)
  • 23: Day of Beer Drinking
  • 23: Day of the failed coup d’etat.
  • 23: Birthday of former Queen Ywonne I Jarl
  • 26: Day of Uriel (Ministry of G. Angels)


  • 10: The Day of Outstanding Ministers
  • 11: AMBASSADORS’ DAY (Count Andras)
  • 28 – 31: Hartmanburg Days


  • 3: Doom Day (The Supreme Court sentenced Nimis 1986)
  • 7: Camus Day
  • 15: The Tortoise Harriet’s Day. Ladonians Going into Semi-hibernation
  • 30: St Anders of the Holy Computer Day


  • 21: Day of Half Madness and Roaring with Wolves
  • 24 ½: Day of Misunderstanding
  • 25 ½: Second Day of Misunderstanding
  • 26: Stealing Day. This day Ladonians steal. (State Office of Nomads)
  • 27: Day of Throwing Things at Each Other (normally beer cans)

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